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Ceiva Internet Picture Frame

This is a great gadget gift for those of you with family that isn't on the Internet. Say your Mom doesn't have a computer or Internet access, but you have a digital camera (or a scanner). You give her a Ceiva frame. She plugs it into the wall and into her existing phone line. There is only 1 button on the frame, and you'll hardly need to use it.

You'll go to the Ceiva Web site (your first year subscription is free) and you set up her frame. You can send the frame up to 10 pictures, set the times it turns itself on and off, etc. Every night, the Cevia calls home and downloads up to 10 pictures automatically. Then it shows them in a slide show format. The picture quality is great and about the size of a 5x7 photograph. Mom can also press the button to force the frame to download right away.

We got my Mom on the Internet a while back and getting pictures of the grandkids is probably her favorite thing to do online. With a Ceiva your Mom can have the same thrill for a fraction of the cost and hassle involved in getting her on the Net.

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