Where I buy parts - Various places A great magazine for builders - Nuts & Volts KitParts - Hard to find parts from N3LLL. HobbyTron Kits - Interesting kits (xmit/rcv, antennas, packet, etc.) Electronic QSLs - Nice and mostly free An HF receiver on the web (too cool) - Listen to HF online (I hear there is another one of these somewhere, anyone know where?) Track satellites - Track satellites with nothing more than a Web browser. If you have a rig that can work 10m and 15m (like all the modern HF rigs) you can work the RS satellites on their next pass! Currently not working :-( Another satellite tracking page - Another tracker courtesy of NASA. Web-based DX cluster (try it!) - Find out who's working the DX and where it is Yahoo's Ham Radio Links - Yahoo! The local ham radio club, CLARC - The very energetic CLARC club Another great projects page - My favorite page of things I mean to get around to building A very well done digital communications page (RTTY, PACTOR, etc.) - Ran across this one the other day Lots of homebrew projects (lots) Free Spice - From Linear Technology. Nice!