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- Basic DMR Ettiquite
- Can I program my radio directly?
- Can I use any repeater?
- Can I use Chirp?
- Connecting to Brandmeister with Mumble
- Do I need a hotspot?
- Do I need to ID my transmissions?
- Do I need to live near a repeater?
- Hints for Operating a Duplex Hot Spot
- How can I reboot/restart my hotspot from the radio?
- How do I control DMRGateway from the command line?
- How do I disconnect on a duplex gateway?
- How do I disconnect on a simplex gateway?
- How do I get started with DMR?
- How do I get started without a radio?
- How do I pick a hotspot?
- How do I pick a radio?
- How do I program my radio to use my hotspot?
- Is this ham radio?
- Simplex vs duplex gateways
- Static, Auto-Static, and Dynamic Talk Groups
- Using DMRGateway to Connect to XLX Refelectors
- Using DMRGateway, how do I connect to a different XLX connection?
- Using DMRGateway, how do I drop a connection?
- Welcome
- What are some good Websites?
- What are some things to think about when creating a codeplug?
- What are WPSD Profiles?
- What frequency should I use on my hotspot?
- What is a Code Plug?
- What is a Color Code?
- What is a Parrot or Echo?
- What is a Radio ID?
- What is a Time Slot?
- What is an ESSID?
- What is DMRGateway?
- What is DroidStar?
- What is OpenGD77?
- What is Peanut?
- What is qdmr?
- What is Talker Alias (TA)?
- What is Talker Alias and how do I set it?
- What is TGIF?
- What networks are available?
- Where can I find lists of talkgroups?
- Where can I find Nets?
- Where can I find repeaters?
- Why do I not hear anything?
- WPSD vs Pi-Star